
Thursday, October 18, 2018


Once upon a time in the extremely hot desert - like part of Africa, there was no food or water. The animals were desperate for food and were starving hungry! They were gathered around the bare Acacia tree trying to remember the magic ward that would produce tasty fruit on the tree. Rhona Rhino decided to send Serena the speedy cheetah up the mountain to the mountain spirits. Serena started to speed a the mountain and she was so close to the mountain she got so speedy and she got where and she had a little party But she did not have enough time for a party. So she [shouted to the mountain spirits. And they said Awongalema and she went back down the mountain But she fell in to the anth hill and she so itchy and they it was a it annoying and she got down the mountain and they said Serena the speedy cheetah and the other animals said who the magic and she said I fogo